Cathe Friedrich's XTrain: Legs - Collage Video
Backcover Description: Legs includes new and traditional exercises scrambled in way that will surely leave your lower...

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Legs includes new and traditional exercises scrambled in way that will surely leave your lower body worked. This program has a great mix of standing leg work, stability ball work, barre and floorwork exercises, effectively sequenced to keep the fat burning and muscles responding. Your glutes and thighs will definitely be feeling this today and probably still talking to you tomorrow! Enjoy the workout in its entirety, or if you are short on time, select one of our shorter premixes to get the job done.

This workout also includes an optional Bonus Rear Delts workout so that you can put a little additional focus on your rear delts with a few different exercises. I’ve included this option because studies have shown that your posterior delt is usually the weakest of your delt muscles and this causes shoulder imbalance problems as well as joint and posture issues.

SPECIAL FEATURE: A 100 Rep Challenge is included on this video featuring the glute hip thruster. Believe it or not, research has shown the hip thruster to be one of the most effective glute exercises you can do, yet most people have never seen or done it. So get ready to experience the benefits of this exercise by paying close attention to my form pointers as I talk you through it.

Cathe Friedrich's XTrain: Legs

Cathe Dot Com

$ 16.99 SRP $ 22.99

Level: Inter/Advan

Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.

Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).

Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.

Toning Emphasis: Lower Body

Upper body: Arms, chest and back.

Lower Body: Legs, thighs, hips and buttocks.

Abs: Abdominals (stomach), core and sometimes lower back.

Total body: Tones all three of the above muscle groups.

Instructor: Cathe Friedrich (Instructor Profile)
SKU: 6332
Runtime: 51 min.
Region: 0
Street Date: 01/03/2013

Certified instructor description:

A well-sequenced mix of traditional and innovative lower-body exercises. It targets your legs and buttocks with an endless range of movements, angles, techniques and positions. Cathe also maximizes the variety, and results, with carefully chosen equipment (e.g. the ball for balance and core strength, gliding discs for form and control). You'll begin with standing legwork — lunges, low pulses, deadlifts and even a yoga-style “warrior” on the discs. This section also has a very short pliés-against-the-wall sequence. Then it's down on the floor for a fast-changing series of high-rep matwork (e.g. leg lifts, weighted presses and “clams”). DVD has a bonus 13-minute rear delts workout. Requires 2 to 15 lb. dumbbells, a stability ball, a loop band and gliding discs. ©2012.

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